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to not yield an inch
I do not agree with you.
I'm not sure.
It is not far.
not to be much to write home about
Do not be so coy!
To be, or not to be: that is the question.
He’s not one to keep his opinions to himself
Not till then did it occur to me.
I do not get on with him/her.
It’s not much use
He is not exactly my friend.
It's not serious.
not a glimmer of interest
to not give a damn
I'm not going to drink the coffee.
It is not our custom to ...
I’m not in the mood to laugh / for laughing
It’s not my responsibility to do that
I'm not young any more.
not to take long over the introductions
Not that as well!
not to write something without intending to publish it
not a quarter as good
I do not object
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