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to not know which side one’s bred is buttered on
I’m not taking any more of your lip
Do not crow too soon.
Do not lose heart!
It is not worth mentioning.
I’m not trying to imply that there are no social problems
Do not mind me!
to not let on anything
not to reach the top
Do not let me keep you!
not to intend to allow someone to do something
It’s not a question of
to not let one’s children go short
Do not let me stop you!
I do not believe it.
It’s not worth a rap
It’s not a state secret
to not let someone hear the end of something
It is not for me to judge her
it is not fit
to not lift a finger
It’s not fit to turn a dog out
to not measure up
He is not entitled to say that
It is not in my nature to
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